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We live in a world where any device connected to the internet can be hacked, even the coffeemaker! Guard provides AI-powered security that protects every device connected to your home’s WiFi.

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We live in a world where any device connected to the internet can be hacked, even the coffeemaker! Guard provides AI-powered security that protects every device connected to your home’s WiFi.

Cyberthreats will always exist.
And Guard will always stop them.

At a glance

Advanced device typing (ADT)
Classifies 95% of devices within minutes and ensures that each is protected.
Whole-home device protection
Protects every connected device in the home from malware and viruses, using an AI-enabled global database of internet threats.
Intrusion detection and blocking
Detects and stops outside access to the home network and alerts you to any attack.
Remediation and quarantine
Detects infected devices and automatically isolates them from the network to prevent the spread of malicious code.
Behavioural analysis and anomaly detection
Uses your usage habits and interaction with connected devices to learn and create a list of permitted behaviours, thus recognising and blocking suspicious activities.

Main benefits

Unbelievable capabilities for complete WiFi control,
security and protection!


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